

Conference to share co-teaching experiences on February 14 at Bilbao AS Fabrik

Conference on co-teaching Conference to share co-teaching experiences on February 14 at Bilbao AS Fabrik 2025·01·21

Research staff from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University will participate in the conference, as will Madrid professor and researcher Marta Sandoval Mena and representatives from four schools in the Basque Country.

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Nerea Agirre has earned a rating of outstanding ‘cum laude’ for her doctoral dissertation

Doctoral dissertation Nerea Agirre has earned a rating of outstanding ‘cum laude’ for her doctoral dissertation 2024·12·19

The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Irakasle inklusiboen hasierako prestakuntzan hausnarketa prozesu kolaboratiboen erraztailetzarako gako eta estrategiak” (“Keys and strategies for the facilitation of collaborative reflection processes in the initial training of inclusive teachers”), took place on the Eskoriatza campus.

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A conference organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences analyzed interculturality and coexistence

Intercultural conference A conference organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences analyzed interculturality and coexistence 2024·12·13

The conference, which was held on Mondragon University’s Eskoriatza campus, brought together 80 participants from different fields of education. The attendees reflected on coexistence, interculturality and equity in education.

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A conference organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences analyzed the keys to building educational communities

Conference A conference organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences analyzed the keys to building educational communities 2024·11·27

At the conference, which was held on the Eskoriatza campus, the main keys to building educational communities were presented and participants learned about experiences to date and worked on steps to be taken for the future.

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Nearly one hundred experts in education from the five continents met in a bootcamp at Bilbao AS Fabrik to develop sustainable educational projects and analyze financing opportunities

The future of education Nearly one hundred experts in education from the five continents met in a bootcamp at Bilbao AS Fabrik to develop sustainable educational projects and analyze financing opportunities 2024·10·29

Mondragon University and the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE) of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education held a three-day bootcamp in Bilbao to seek interdisciplinary collaboration strategies for the future of education that can be funded worldwide.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to hire teacher/researchers in the fields of Didactics of Technology and Digitalization in Education

Job offerings The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to hire teacher/researchers in the fields of Didactics of Technology and Digitalization in Education 2024·09·26

The deadline to submit CVs is October 15, 2024.

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Idurre Gaztañazatorre earns a rating of outstanding ‘cum laude’ for her doctoral dissertation

Doctoral dissertation Idurre Gaztañazatorre earns a rating of outstanding ‘cum laude’ for her doctoral dissertation 2024·06·12

The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Hezkuntzaren ikuspegi sozio-kulturalean oinarritutako ikaste-prozesuen karakterizazioa. Kasu baten azterketa: Arrankudiaga Herri Eskola” (“A characterization of learning processes based on the socio-cultural perspective of education. A case study: Arrankudiaga Public School”), was held on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea e IFE Europe del TEC de Monterrey presentan el informe ‘Educación Digital en las universidades: una guía de implementación integral’

Presentación informe IFE Mondragon Unibertsitatea e IFE Europe del TEC de Monterrey presentan el informe ‘Educación Digital en las universidades: una guía de implementación integral’ 2024·05·02

Mondragon Unibertsitatea e IFE Europe del TEC de Monterrey presentan el informe ‘Educación Digital en las universidades: una guía de implementación integral’

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Abierta la inscripción a los encuentros de KoLaborategia 2024

Jornadas Abierta la inscripción a los encuentros de KoLaborategia 2024 2024·03·20

Abordarán temas como la Inteligencia Artificial, la digitalización, temas de STEM y la relación entre los menores y las pantallas durante los meses de abril y mayo. Todas las sesiones serán abiertas.

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La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación pone en marcha un curso online para conocer experiencias de codocencia en el aula

Formación para Profesionales La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación pone en marcha un curso online para conocer experiencias de codocencia en el aula 2024·03·11

El curso organizado por la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea arrancará el 15 de abril y estará dirigido a todo el profesorado de Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato

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The scientific journal ‘InpAkta’ was presented in bilbao. the journal is supported by 22 institutions and will address topics of great social impact

InpAkta The scientific journal ‘InpAkta’ was presented in bilbao. the journal is supported by 22 institutions and will address topics of great social impact 2024·02·08

University of the Basque Country Rector Eva Ferreira, University of Deusto Rector Juan José Etxberria, Mondragon University Rector Vicente Atxa, BRTA General Director Rikardo Bueno Zabalo, and Ikerbasque researcher and ‘InpAkta’ Editor-in-Chief Ugo Mayor took part in the event, which was held at the Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will hold three seminars with the aim of reflecting on contemporary challenges from the perspective of the humanities

Open seminars The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will hold three seminars with the aim of reflecting on contemporary challenges from the perspective of the humanities 2024·02·07

The seminars will be held at Bilbao AS Fabrik on February 7, March 20 and April 17, 2024.

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The advantages of co-teaching based on experiences in schools are discussed on the Eskoriatza campus

Conference on co-teaching The advantages of co-teaching based on experiences in schools are discussed on the Eskoriatza campus 2024·01·26

Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, Professor Ana Hernández from Madrid, and representatives from four schools in the Basque Country participated in the conference.

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Conference to share co-teaching experiences on January 26 on the Eskoriatza campus

Conference on co-teaching Conference to share co-teaching experiences on January 26 on the Eskoriatza campus 2024·01·10

Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, professor Ana Hernández from Madrid, and representatives from four schools in the Basque Country will participate in the conference.

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The scientific journal

Publication The scientific journal "InpAkta", which will address social and political issues of social impact, was presented at the Durango Fair 2023·12·12

Among the agents that support the journal are 22 institutions from all over the Basque Country, including universities and research-related institutions. Institutional presentations will take place in February of 2024 in Pamplona, Bilbao and Bayonne.

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The STEMotiv project, now in its fourth year, has opened registration for schools in Gipuzkoa

STEMotiv project The STEMotiv project, now in its fourth year, has opened registration for schools in Gipuzkoa 2023·09·21

This year, the project will focus on Primary Education. The project aims to understand and influence the interest in and motivation for STEM subjects of students at this educational stage.

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On June 8, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will hold the first conference to share stem experiences

CONFERENCE On June 8, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will hold the first conference to share stem experiences 2023·05·29

The conference will take place online and will feature Compulsory Secondary Education teachers who participated in the three STEM projects that will be shared; Catalan researcher Mireia Usart Rodríguez will also give a talk.

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The 3Kimu Project has announced the nine finalist works

The 3Kimu Project The 3Kimu Project has announced the nine finalist works 2023·05·22

The names of the nine finalist projects in the challenge promoted by the Arizmendi School, Lea Artibai High School, Txorierri Polytechnic and the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University have been made public. The awards ceremony and final meeting of the project will be held on June 5 on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Conference on the challenges and opportunities offered by digital education in Bilbao on May 16

CONFERENCE Conference on the challenges and opportunities offered by digital education in Bilbao on May 16 2023·05·04

The event, to be held at Bilbao AS Fabrik, will focus on the possibilities offered by digitalization in education.

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La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación ha conseguido siete proyectos de investigación competitivos en la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, cinco de ellos de dirección

Investigación La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación ha conseguido siete proyectos de investigación competitivos en la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, cinco de ellos de dirección 2023·01·10

Los proyectos seleccionados están relacionados con la educación y los conocimientos STEM y con el cooperativismo y la intercooperación. En cinco de esos proyectos la Facultad realizará labores de liderazgo y en otros dos participará como colaboradora.

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